Also see Marian’s blog posts on the Huffington Post and

“In 2013, Austin Was on Top of the World,”
Austin Business Journal, Dec. 27, 2013
“[T]his was the year when Austin seemed to become a permanent fixture in the nation’s economic and cultural conversation,” says the writer of this piece. To wit, Forbes said it was the fastest-growing metro area, several publications called it one of the U.S. cities with the best economy, it was No. 2 on a list of emerging cities for entrepreneurs, and Marian wrote about “Austin envy” in her column, saying she was “still trying to decode the Austin secret sauce—barbecue sauce, if you will—that has made it desirable, trendy and magical but ensured that demand outpaces supply.”

“We’ll All Be Having a Hacking New Year,”
The Huffington Post, Dec. 20, 2013
The übertrend for 2014 according to Marian? Tinkering and experimentation. “It will be people’s response to the experience of being sidelined and powerless,” says the renowned trendspotter. Out of that, we’ll see the work “hacking”—once “geeky and malicious” but now “the height of cool”—used more often to describe people innovating and making positive change in ways big and small. Among the other trends she mentions from her annual report are millennials changing the face of the workplace, alternatives to capitalism and the rise of mobile wallets.

“2013 Review: Top 10 Quotes,”
The Holmes Report, Dec. 18, 2013
“There [were] too many to choose from this year thanks to our hectic event calendar and several good interviews,” said The Holmes Report on its blog. “As always when we select our favourite quotes, bear in mind that no editing was required.” One of the top quotes chosen was this from Marian: “The American PR industry has become so feminized and so politically correct that I worry about where the edge has gone.”

“Millennials Spur Flood of Fancy Fast-Food Breads,”
USA Today, Nov. 7, 2013
Millennials are “the first generation to grow up with a pervasive foodie culture that has, in turn, sort of democratized high-quality food for everyone,” says Carl’s Jr. CMO Brad Haley in this article. The $200 billion fast-food industry is listening to their target audience, changing the standard white-bread buns to such things as brioche, flatbread, multigrain, pretzel and spicy chipotle buns. “For millennials, your bread is your signature,” adds Marian. “Millennials need to have something that says who they are—uniquely them. The more unique the better—hold the raisins.”

“PR Image Boost Begins With Revolt Against Rigged RFPs,”
O’Dwyer’s, Nov. 7, 2013
This piece reports on the public relations industry’s growing displeasure with clients’ demands for elaborate, time-consuming RFPs with nothing promised in return. Of the trend, O’Dwyer’s says, “Drawn-out pitches are designed to rip off the intellectual property of PR firms without any thought of compensation.” Havas PR CEO Marian Salzman weighs in and calls these presentations, during which agencies are “romancing” potential clients, “beauty pageants.” Instead of the traditional RFP, Salzman says Havas offers clients one month free if they sign on for a four-month-long media relations package.

“A to Z of Wellbeing,”
Thomas Cook Travel, Nov./Dec./Jan. 2013
Who else to turn to for the latest trends in well-being for the new year than Marian, one of the world’s top trendspotters? Thomas Cook Travel goes for Salzman’s expertise on sleep. “Trendspotter Marian Salzman has been telling us for ages that sleep is the new sex. And spa are finally catching up,” says this article, which also features such quirky trends in wellness as “Brotox,” “Earthing,” mindful massage and ugi.

“Senay Re-elected as Council of PR Firms Chairman,”
PRWeek, Oct. 23, 2013
Marian is among the directors of the Council of Public Relations Firms named in this article as continuing in her role into 2014. Dave Senay, president and CEO of FleishmanHillard, who was re-elected chair, says, according to the writer of this article, that the council wants to develop “stronger techniques and procedures for negotiating with procurement departments,” “target diversity in the PR industry” and agree on measurement standards, among other goals. The council’s initiatives in 2013 included a video contest and a resource guide and training module for PR firms about ethical business decision-making.

“Take It from Me, Kid,”
The New York Observer, Oct. 8, 2013
Marian is one of five PR chiefs interviewed by The New York Observer to share her biggest coup and best advice. “Helping make 2013 the company’s best-ever year,” she answers in part for the former. As for best advice? “You are joining the business of reality branding and real-time news crafting. Figure out how to codify your brand in 140 characters, including a memorable hashtag, because attention spans have shrunk to nearly zero.”

“The Power 50 List,”
The New York Observer, Oct. 8, 2013
Marian is one of five PR chiefs interviewed by The New York Observer to share her biggest coup and best advice. “Helping make 2013 the company’s best-ever year,” she answers in part for the former. As for best advice? “You are joining the business of reality branding and real-time news crafting. Figure out how to codify your brand in 140 characters, including a memorable hashtag, because attention spans have shrunk to nearly zero.”

“Honda Picks Twitter Fights with Snack Brands to Promote New In-car Vacuum,”, Oct. 3, 2013
Honda fired (playful) shots at other brands on Twitter in a marketing ploy to promote a new in-car vacuum available in some of its minivans and wound up causing an all-out brawl with brands such as Taco Bell and Oreo, which came back with raised fists (but all with tongue firmly in cheek). “Social media means hustle, jiggle, enjoy the new jungle,” said Marian in the article. “Honda deserves a salute for doing it.”

“The New Consumer,”
California Grocer, Fall 2013 (Issue 5)
In tandem with her presentation for the California Grocers Association about trends shaping changes for news, brands, retailers and cultures, Marian wrote this feature story for CGA’s magazine. It talks about changes in the country’s collective mood and mindset between 2008 and 2013 dwarfing other recent such evolutions. These changes have, she begins, “made themselves known throughout all aspects of American mood and behavior, but they’re often especially pronounced where shopping is concerned—shopping for splurges and discretionary purchases … and shopping for everyday necessities, which can’t be done without, such as groceries.”

“Generations in the Workplace: Winning the Generation Game,”
The Economist, Sept. 28, 2013
Young people are entering the workforce in one of the least welcoming labor markets in modern history, according to this Economist article, but digital skills of millennials far superior to their elders’ give them a serious leg up. This makes managing different age groups a far bigger concern for companies now than in the recent past. “Baby-boomers really resent these kids,” Marian says in this story. And the members of Generation X are fed up with being “stuck in the middle between older workers who refuse to retire and younger ones who are treated far better than they ever were,” she adds.

“Born to Win,”
The London Magazine, September 2013
A topic featured in Havas PR’s most recent annual trends report (“The Graying of Kindergarten”) is also manifesting itself in the U.K., as described in this article. “[T]hough American parents have been redshirting preschoolers since the 1970s, figures have trebled in recent years. Futurist Marian Salzman identified it as a key trend in her 2013 report.” This story also notes that Marian and William Stadlen, director of Holland Park Tuition & Education Consultants, in London, agree that holding back kids with summer birthdays was propelled by an unlikely source: Malcolm Gladwell, who in his book Outliers noted that winter birthdays are predominant in sports. He theorized that kids who begin kindergarten later become bigger, stronger and more competitive throughout their lives, athletically or otherwise.

PR News Announces Winners of PR Agency Elite Awards,”
PR News, Sept. 11, 2013
Marian, who won the top individual award at the inaugural PR News PR Agency Elite Awards, was featured in this article (and chosen by judges) because of her involvement in spearheading the global Havas PR collective, developing the agency’s TrendsU e-learning initiative, creating the SocialProvidence social media consulting startup and launching her Life Is a Brand blog on The award she won, Agency Awe Professional, honors, according to this article, “an agency professional who has significantly raised the bar on excellence for both clients and for their agency itself.”

“In2’s Innovator 25,”
The Holmes Report, Sept. 5, 2013
Marian is one of 25 people in North America chosen as top innovators affecting public relations because they have “contributed the great ideas that set the bar for innovation in our industry.” Says The Holmes Report about its inaugural “Innovator 25” list: “Innovation. Disruption. Game changers. These are among the most overused words bantered about to describe the new, the interesting, the cool.… We looked for those who outdo—and in some cases, challenged—these clichés, with the body of work to show for it.”

“Havas PR Launches Social Media Startup,”
PRWeek, Aug. 22, 2013
This article announces the launch of SocialProvidence, Havas PR North America’s social media strategy startup based in Providence, R.I. “The business, a separate entity from Havas, is led by recent college graduates Mike Cunningham of the University of Pittsburgh and Giuseppe Crosti of Duke University,” the author says. “Both were fellows at Venture for America, which trains young people in business to boost job growth.” Marian is among the advisory board members.

“Havas Partners with Venture for America to Launch Providence Startup,”
The Holmes Report, Aug. 21, 2013
SocialProvidence is the new startup from Havas PR North America designed to bring new innovations to the agency, led by two Venture for America fellows. “Their goal isn’t just profitability, it’s bringing to market a product that’s in high demand and has a high utilization rate,” says Renee Harper, EVP of Havas PR, to whom the fellows will report, in this article. “There’s a high expectation that whatever we invest will be recovered within 18 months of launch.” She adds that the fellows, Mike Cunningham and Giuseppe Crosti, have “developed the bones of a social analytics model” and are finalizing the product and marketing plan. Adds Marian, CEO of Havas PR: “This is the first office startup we’ve done where the startup is in the hands of millennials who we have selected because of their institutional association—VFA—as well as their talents.… This is about putting our money where our mouth is, in future first.”

“Advertising Merger Spurs Concern,”
Greenwich Time, July 30, 2013
Greenwich Time gives a local take on the major news that advertising industry giants Publicis and Omnicom announced plans to merge. Both agencies have satellite offices in Fairfield County, Conn., and Omnicom has one of its headquarters in Greenwich. In addition, the area has traditionally been home to many marketing executives who commute to New York City. Marian is one of them. “As a homeowner in Fairfield County, any time jobs in the tri-state area are at risk, I start checking my Zillow,” she said in the article. “Even if this is not a place of employment, all the people who fit into the big network of jobs become vulnerable any time there is any kind of job shrinkage.”

“What Every PR Pro Can Learn from Johnny Carson,”
RepMan, July 11, 2013
This post on the personal blog of comedian and PR man Steve Cody applauds Turner Classic Movies for showcasing 25 of Johnny Carson’s most memorable interviews with stars like Bette Davis and Elizabeth Taylor. Cody writes that they serve as a reminder about what made the late Carson so inimitable. One of the finest things about him? His authenticity. This trait, Cody points out, is shared by Marian, who this summer proclaimed that the PR industry has become too feminized and mired in political correctness. Says Cody, “Although we’d like to believe otherwise, most PR executives are afraid to posit their views on the leading issues of the day, as well as the very real ones challenging our industry’s future.”

“Playtex Jazzes Up Bra Styles, Colors for Millennials,”
USA Today, July 1, 2013
Millennials are bustier than their mothers and grandmothers. Sales of bra-band sizes 44 to 50 swelled by 17 percent from 2011 to 2012, according to this article, while D-cup and DD sales grew 2 percent. But just because the younger generation needs more support doesn’t mean it wants the dowdy lingerie that has traditionally accompanied it; that’s the crux of this USA Today piece, which surveys the ongoing makeover of the 80-year-old Playtex brand. Marian is quoted here, saying, “In lingerie you need allure. How [is Playtex] going to put sexy into utility? They are competing in a category where everyone else is selling desire. What Playtex is selling still feels functional—kind of like going from selling soup to beef stew.”

“I Dig Marian Salzman,”
RepMan, July 1, 2013
Endearing Marian to this blogger was her public critique of American public relations, which she said recently has become “so feminized and so politically correct that I worry about where the edge has gone.” Steve Cody, co-founder of the Peppercomm PR agency and author of this post, points to a statistic that 78 percent of PR practitioners are women, and predominantly Caucasian; this, he says, hasn’t boded well for addressing the interests and concerns of a diverse nation and has left public relations sanitized and homogenized, celebrating the “bland and banal.” PR is best when edgy and irreverent, writes Cody, who quotes Marian lamenting that American PR has “institutionalized all the hot shops, softened their edges and finishing-schooled the brashness right out of them.”

“A Major PR CEO Said the Industry Is ‘Too Feminized,”
Business Insider, June 30, 2013
American PR would do well to borrow some chutzpah from modern Australian PR. At least that’s what Marian is quoted as saying in this Business Insider article, picked up from European marketing and media mag The Drum. Following the many plaudits Australian PR received in June at the Cannes Lions International Festivity of Creativity, Marian mused: “[t]he communications agencies Down Under exemplify the anti-command-and-control sensibility that also serves as our ethos. That’s what seems to make greatness.… There’s a lesson here. There are a lot more all of us around the world can learn from this small country full of big ideas and big executions like the ones we saw from every Australian agency this year.”

“America’s PR Industry Is Too Feminized and Politically Correct,”
The Holmes Report, June 26, 2013
In this bylined piece, Marian says she’s worried that “our industry went middle-aged before we had a rebellious adolescence and an outlandish post-collegiate decade.” She came to this conclusion after pondering how the Cannes Lion festival has “become too expensive and corporate for the upstart sizzlers to enter more than the occasional kick-ass piece of work”—and how Cannes was dominated this year by Australian PR work, which she believes “exudes a great masculine energy, something we’re sadly missing” in the United States. Her kicker: “So the question for us all now is, how do we change it?”

“Ad Fest Award Contenders That Will Make You Cry,”
USA Today, June 22, 2013
As a preview to the Cannes International Festival of Creativity, USA Today compiles of roundup of ads that tug at the heartstrings. “Many of the top award contenders … put forth moving messages,” says the article. But, says Marian, “a fine line” exists between nailing the sentimentality and turning off viewers. “You can’t be so sappy sweet that it feels like a geriatric ad,” Marian adds. The article also lists some of the tearjerkers that are serious candidates for gold Lions, including Procter & Gamble’s salute to moms of Olympic athletes and Dodge’s recognition of farmers.

“Dads Offer Their Answer to Mumsnet—By Joining the Blogging Craze,”
The Independent, June 21, 2013
Britain’s fifth annual BritMums Live blogging conference will introduce its first ever dads panel later this month. The change reflects a demographic shift in the parenting blogosphere, according to The Independent; in just the past year the number of dads in the U.K. with blogs rose from 100 to 250 (out of 5,000 total parenting blogs), and the subject matter is often quite different than what you might find on their wives’ photo-heavy, crafts-related blogs. Says one father blogger: “The dad blogs, I think, often give a completely different take on subjects and perhaps don’t sugar-coat things so much. They say exactly what they think.” The article quotes Marian predicting “the rise of child-orientated, masculinity-challenging programme makers, brands and advertisers to reflect the essence of this emerging new reality.”

“Forbes Writer Explains Austin Envy,”
Austin Business Journal, June 5, 2013
This business brief notes the column written by Marian, a world-renowned trendspotter, about being “in the grips of Austin envy.” As the writer of the piece notes, Marian pointed out the friendly business climate and draws such as the University of Texas, Whole Foods headquarters and South By Southwest. “Like SXSW, Austin (nicknamed Silicon Hills),” said Marian, “is an incubator of creativity, a place where people know they can find like-minded collaborators and where an appearance can make a reputation. It’s a party that’s not to be missed.”

“PR Star Going Strong Despite Two Brain Tumors”
Arizona Jewish Post, May 15, 2013
This piece in the Arizona Jewish Post updates readers on the health and history of new Tucson resident Marian. The Havas PR North America CEO also owns a home in Stamford, Conn., but moved to Tucson “on a lark” and says “this is home now,” although she still crisscrosses the continent because of her work base in New York City. Marian recently had her second brain tumor removed—an ordeal that continues to inspire her agency work with clients like the Bob Woodruff Foundation and the Emilie Parker Art Connection. “As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten way more interested in working for the good guys,” she says, “although I still go to work every day to help brand soft drinks.”

“How to Improve Diversity in PR: Fix the Creativity & Measurement Problems,”
Alex Singleton blog, May 12, 2013
U.K. public relations strategist and former journalist Alex Singleton writes here on his blog about bettering the PR industry. He discusses efforts in his country to diversify the workforce economically and racially and about polls conducted to see where PR stands as a career choice for young people. Then he says this: “[T]o ensure that PR is a meritocracy, there are two things that the PR industry should do. The first is to solve its creativity problem. I’m with [Havas PR North America CEO] Marian Salzman, a judge at last year’s Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, when she said that PR needs ‘big ideas.’ … Secondly, proper measurement of PR results has the potential to overpower prejudice and reward people for genuine achievements.”

“Welcome to the Year of Facial Hair, Reclaimed Food and ‘Celery Stalkers,”
Marketing, April 18, 2013
“[W]hat … does this year have in store?” asks this Australian marketing pub of trendspotter Marian. Trumpeting the release of her new book, What’s Next? What to Expect in 2013, the piece reports on Marian’s predictions that vacations will be swapped for wellness holidays, that “copreneurship”—whereby couples go into business together—will surge, and that more of us will stay in school longer and accept nonpaying internships. Marian also says, “Now that normal life packs every moment with calls on attention, distraction and fast-paced entertainment, the quest in 2013 and beyond is for unstressed, unpressured, uncluttered space and time to relax and breathe.”

“Dads on the Line,”
The Age, April 7, 2013
The Age reports on the abundance of daddy bloggers, citing the existence of well-attended conferences such as Dad 2.0 (held in Houston in February) and a prediction from trendspotter (and Havas PR North America CEO) Marian that even more fathers can be expected to launch personal blogs about parenting. Helping to bring fatherhood to the forefront, says Marian, are branding efforts that depict “child-oriented masculinity.” Dad 2.0 addressed the increasingly inaccurate portrayal in advertising of dads as clueless or uninterested, and an Australian ad expert pronounced that the new generation of “dad-vertising” will be mindful of stay-at-home dads who have budgets to watch, diapers to change and floors to mop.

“Surviving a Tumor in Style,”
Stamford Advocate, March 22, 2013
Marian’s brain tumors—the most recent was removed in mid-March—have not only made her distrustful of so-called experts (the second tumor went undetected by radiologists), but they have also become part of her personal and professional identity, she writes in the Stamford Advocate. Marian points to celebrities such as Sheryl Crow, Mary Tyler Moore and Elizabeth Taylor who survived brain tumors with style, saying, “I can’t help thinking about the fact that for a handful of famous, already-alluring women, a brain tumor diagnosis has strangely added to their appeal. It gives them complexity, a problem to make them seem more empathetic and human, another dimension to their stories.”

“What Having a Brain Tumor Can Do for Your Brand,”, March 11, 2013
Making the best of a bad situation, Marian ponders here how profoundly her two craniotomies have contributed to her personal brand in the past six years, as was also the case with fellow brain tumor patients Sheryl Crow, Mary Tyler Moore and Elizabeth Taylor. Of her upcoming surgery, Marian writes, “Like Elizabeth Taylor, I’ll be ‘resting comfortably’ at home myself, hopefully as stylishly as she no doubt was, but not for long. Being busy at work will keep me motivated and help with my recovery. And I’m already eager to discover how my brand will evolve after going through this second experience.”

“The End of the Trend,”
The Boston Globe, March 10, 2013
Anything goes in fashion these days, according to the writer of this Boston Globe article, who went to Marian as one of her main sources. “Some days I think it started with those idiot crocs,” says Marian, CEO of Havas PR North America and a leading international trendspotter, in the piece’s opening sentence. While a fashion forecaster says grunge started this no-trend fashion movement, Marian adds that the way we work now really helped define it. “If I’m going to be working at home and only seen on Skype [from the shoulders up],” she says, “isn’t one vintage jacket all I need?”

“2013 Will Be Brutal for CEOs,”, Feb. 14, 2013
One might expect to find CEOs reveling in the recovering economy, but Marian writes in this guest blog post for CNBC that it actually puts them in quite a pickle. “It’s no longer possible to justify poor performance by pointing out that you’re not doing any worse than anyone else,” she explains. “But the future is still murky, and there’s no clear path for anyone to follow. Questions of strategic direction feel more urgent than ever—and answers even more elusive.” One answer that Marian does see: CEOs should concentrate on their personal values and virtues—as well as those of their senior staff—making sure that those attributes shine through to the public through social media channels.

“The End of the Week?”
Building Design, Feb. 13, 2013
When architect Irena Bauman made the relatively unprecedented announcement that her Leeds, U.K.–based firm would be open only Monday through Thursday, for a total of 38 hours per week, it inspired this Building Design piece about the merits and drawbacks of a four-day workweek. Whether or not a company decides to adopt an abbreviated work schedule, trendspotter and CEO of Havas North America PR Marian says that those working practices need to be very clearly communicated with consumers, who are looking nowadays for companies to be totally upfront about such things—and to “contribute to making the world a better place.”

“More Than Words,”
Stamford, Feb. 7, 2013
“As a trendspotter, my eyes tend to be forever focused on the future,” starts Marian in this column, “but one of my favorite ways to look back is through various linguists’ and lexicographers’ annual words of the year lists.” Here, she gives opinions on the most respected lists; they focus on “big cultural trends and attitudinal shifts,” says Marian, but she’s not sure how many of the words will change the universal vocabulary. Topping those lists for 2012 are capitalism, socialism, GIF and hashtag. Marian herself topped the list when a word she popularized in 2003—metrosexual—was chosen by the American Dialect Society as its word of the year in January 2004.

“What Does Lance Armstrong’s Scandal Teach Us About Personal Branding?”
Bulldog Reporter, Feb. 5, 2013
Bulldog Reporter picked up this post by Marian from the Havas PR blog, and it originally ran in her weekly personal branding column on Marian’s bottom line: “Even though Lance Armstrong has been in the news for months … [f]rom a crisis management and personal branding standpoint, he has a long road ahead of him.” She says his response has been a textbook example of what not to do—from remaining silent for much too long to selfishly agreeing to testify against prominent cycling officials to giving a self-serving, hollow apology on Oprah Winfrey’s sofa. It’s a cautionary tale, says Marian, and the sharpest lesson learned is this: “Have a clear plan for personal rehabilitation and live it.” Read the full post for more insight and personal branding advice.

“Super Bowl Ad Winners Conquer Hearts and Clicks,”, Feb. 4, 2013
This NBC News wrap-up of the best and worst of the Super Bowl XLVII ads noted that reviews were mixed about the GoDaddy ad that had supermodel Bar Refaeli going in for a very long smooch with a very geeky guy. Marian believes the ad was right on target, saying here, “Smart is sexy is so on trend,” while another marketing expert calls the commercial a “cheap sell.” Though national polls show the ad wasn’t particularly well liked by viewers, it was the No. 1 most discussed ad on social media platforms. And GoDaddy’s public relations VP reports that the website gleaned more new customers and more new sales from this ad than any of its Super Bowl campaigns ever.

“The Top 12 Crises of 2012: Part 2,”
The Holmes Report, Feb. 3, 2013
In 2012, Lance Armstrong was stripped of seven Tour de France titles and fiercely reprimanded by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, which produced a 1,000-page document detailing his doping habits. In this Holmes Report piece, Marian explains how Armstrong should have responded before and after the news broke: “Never let your story become such a fable that the fall is so steep. Make your most profound apologies privately—and first—and don’t assume they’ll be accepted when you make the public mea culpa. Have a clear plan for personal rehabilitation, and live it. Don’t just show up, admit your blunders, and assume all will be right with the world. Reboot. Explain what’s next in a way that’s all about reparations.”

“Kate Middleton, Prince William Choose Baby Names—Buy Domains, Reserve Twitter Accounts?”
Celeb Dirty Laundry, Jan. 30, 2013
This blogger was impressed by a post from Marian on her blog about personal branding. Called “Kate Middleton and the Branding of a Duchess,” the post talks not only about the duchess’ brand but also about that of the little monarch growing inside her. The blogger was struck by Marian’s statement that she bets “if Kate and William have chosen [a baby name], they’ve also registered the URL and opened the Twitter account.” To it, the blogger replied: “Could protecting the baby’s name now be a smart decision and a sign of William and Kate’s desire to be modern monarchs? Wouldn’t it be amazing if they made a Tumblr account for the baby a la Beyonce? I would die.”

“Leading Trendspotter and Havas PR, North America CEO Marian Salzman Offers 2013 Predictions with Brand New E-book Launch,”
Campaign Brief, Jan. 15, 2013
Campaign Brief (in Asia, Australia and New Zealand) gives a sneak peek at some of Marian’s trends for this year, from her new e-book What’s Next? What to Expect in 2013. Here are a few: A new and rising trend is copreneurship, as life partners of whatever gender and sexual orientation go into business together. The travel front for 2013 is all about wellness journeys, whether for plastic surgery, fertility clinics or even dental care. “Native” is now a trigger word in fashion and style; as modern life accelerates into a future that gets more virtual with every year, consumers are increasingly feeling a sense of rootlessness. We will be rethinking quality of life. We’ve all been living life at breakneck speed; in 2013, there will be more interest in slower alternatives: slow cooking and eating, slow courtships, slow travel.

“Muscle Mania: What Are the New Fitness Trends for 2013?”
Metro (U.K.), Jan. 14, 2013
In 2013, we’ll be looking forward and back, according to a few experts in this article—from technological breakthroughs that let people easily assess and track their workouts to retro exercise routines, such as the Powerhoop (a souped-up version of the hula hoop). For her part, Marian says sweat-working will be the new networking. “Most devoted employees find time to exercise daily to reduce stress, get fit and stay healthy,” she says. Now, “more … companies will be taking steps to help employees fight the battle of the bulge.”

“Op-Ed: Rays of Hope in Newtown,”
Stamford Advocate, Jan. 11, 2013
“The images of Sandy Hook Elementary School students returning for classes on Jan. 3, their first day of the ‘new normal,’ were both heartrending and heartwarming,” wrote Marian in this bylined piece. Therapy dogs welcomed the scared children to a building the community had transformed, uplifting banners are seen around town, scholarships and other funds have been established, and former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords met privately with families of the victims. Marian was also heartened to hear that Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, had met with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and hopes their conversation and others lead to changes in the national gun law discussion.

“What’s Next in 2013: A Lesson in Trendspotting with Marian Salzman,”
Madison Ave Insights, Jan. 10, 2013
Spotting industry trends and making forecasts for a year ahead is a challenge, especially in an age of constant change and technological developments,” says the writer in his introduction to a Q&A with world-renowned trendspotter Marian. In her answers, Marian illustrates her process for identifying trends (pattern recognition), the future of wireless (including apps for voting), the most important trend in her 2013 forecast (“Co”), personal brands and the coolest object in her office right now, among many other topics.

“One Office, Multiple Generations: How Millennial Women Are Winning the Age Game,”
Allvoices, Jan. 8, 2013
“Fearless and determined,” starts the writer of this post, “millennial women have overwhelmingly rejected the idea of working hours, as many respond to work emails on the go.” She adds that millennials in general are challenging office protocols. Because of all that, she says, “women are uniquely positioned to navigate increasingly multi-generational offices.” She cites speakers from the CNN Dialogues forum last October, including Marian. It was there that Marian said this: “Millennials are the most skilled, inexpensive brain trust available. At work, they want real time feedback and employers that are mentors and partners.”

“Experts Unveil Their Food Predictions for 2013: What Will Be Trending in Restaurants and Home Cooking,”
New York Daily News, Jan. 6, 2013
In an article that asks chefs and other foodies what they’re forecasting for the world of food this year, Marian stands out as the only trendspotter. Local food, plant-based plates and fermentation were common threads. What does Marian foresee? “Veggies are moving to the center of the plate, prepared in innovative ways. Kale is being hailed as the new bacon (complete with backlash), and new greens are on deck to take its place: Beet greens, chard, and mustard greens to name a few. Local produce is increasingly in demand, with chefs outdoing one another by foraging or growing kitchen gardens on rooftops.”

“Dads Fear the Social Stigma of Staying at Home,”
The Independent, Jan. 6, 2013
In a survey from The Independent, more than half of working fathers in Britain want to cut their hours in order to help more in raising their kids. A case study profiles Ben D’Alton, 27, the father of young twins, who recently went part-time as his wife’s maternity leave was finishing. The article also cites Marian’s prediction that 2013 would be the year of the stay-at-home dad. “Rather than being diminished by the rise of women,” she says, “the growing ranks of devoted and capable dads are likely to find their new role liberating.”

“How to Get Ahead of the Curve,”
BD Online, Jan, 2, 2013
In this blog post on Building Design magazine’s website, there is not only British architectural news but also a look at one of Marian’s predictions in her annual trends report, What’s Next? What to Expect in 2013. “What caught my eye,” says the writer of this post, “was her prediction that copreneurship is on the rise. The term, meaning life partners going into business together, is something architects have always done, pretty successfully.… Now though, according to Salzman, the tougher economy is making others realize that copreneurship—collaborating, pooling resources, and sharing practical and financial support—is a good thing and something we will see a lot more of in 2013. In this, if nothing else, architects are ahead of that troublesome curve.”

“What 2013 Will Bring: Green, Yellow, Fear and Control,”
Star-Ledger, Jan. 1, 2013
On the list of what the New Jersey Star-Ledger believes will be out for 2013 is trying to unplug. The writer quotes Marian as saying, “[I]t’s almost unimaginable that you could get away from it. Really, how would you do that? The train has left the station.” Continuing in the tech vein, Marian says we are choosing to do more things digitally than manually. Plus, she says, food is one of the things we’ll want “as straightforward as possible.” That includes detoxifying with supergrains, buying chickens for the eggs, and seeing more organic foods available in mainstream grocery stores.